Security Research Group
Computer Science and Engineering
Michigan State University
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Recent Videos
Raiders of the Javascript-based Malware - Pranshu Bajpai - CascadiaJS 2018
ToorCon XX - Ransomware Versus Cryptojacking - Latest Trends in Modern Malware
GrrCon 2018 - Crypto Gone Rogue - A Tale of Ransomware Key Management and the CryptoAPI
Password Cracking with Hashcat and GPUs for Penetration Testing - Pranshu Bajpai
Intro to Ghidra and IDA for Reverse Engineeing - Pranshu Bajpai
Cracking WiFi Passwords for Wireless Penetration Testing - Pranshu Bajpai
HDD to SSD Upgrade for Macbook Pro Mid 2012 - Pranshu Bajpai
Generating Custom Dictionaries for Penetration Testing - Pranshu Bajpai
Security Architecture - Pranshu Bajpai
Crunch to Generate Password Dictionaries - Pranshu Bajpai
Creating a Personalised Dictionary for Password Cracking Using Cupp - Pranshu Bajpai
Dual boot Kali Windows 10 and Kali Linux for Penetration Testing - Pranshu Bajpai